Sunday 31 January 2016

Final edited script

Above I have made some changes to my opening two minute film, the reason for this is that because I filmed it in the snow I couldn't exactly re-film it again. So I tried to think of something to make it look like the people who are talking are actually in a wintery environment, I did this by changing the colour of the video image, using close ups of them and making them wear the same clothing for continuity. Also at the beginning I had to change where the young teenagers were talking because the filming that I did wasn't focused enough on their faces, but it still looks realistic when it all comes together.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Feedback for my Film Opening

Above is the feedback for my editing on Final Cut Express, I have found out that I need to make the brightness of each scene look the same, add titles to make it look like an opening scene and change how loud each scene is so they all stay the same.

Changes made to my film

Below I have organised what is going to happen in my film, I have written down each scene and circled the bits that I need to re-do or change. This helps because it makes it a lot more easier for me to understand what bits need to be re-filmed and I have took advise on board from my teachers to make my film look a lot more professional and to also make it look like nothing has changed or been edited when a audience watches it. Also when I start doing the re-filming I know what each character has to say and do, so I can make sure that continuity of my film flows in the correct order.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Footage I want and don't want

Above I have organised the footage that I am going to use for editing my final film, this is important so then I can make sure that I have all the footage to use on Final Cut Express and so I can actually decide what might need re-filming. Also I can look through all the footage I have done and check with my storyboard to see what might need changing.

 The key for above image:
- Red is don't want
- Green is keep for editing and use

Monday 18 January 2016

Evidence of camera being set up for filming

Below is evidence of me doing my filming on the 17th January 2016. I made sure that the camera was on the tripod in the correct way so it won't fall off, that was for if I had to move it about to different places that I was going to film. Also I did some practice runs, this was where I made sure that I focused the camera on different objects that I wanted the audience to be looking at in my short film. Also I figured out how to use the camera for filming, by moving the tripod handle to show an establishing shot of where the action will be taking place. This time for my filming I think it is going to go a lot better than my preliminary video, even though I may have to go out and film some scenes again. Fortunately this certainly won't be any hassle because I am determined to do well in this area of my coursework and the actresses who are involved don't mind re-filming bits again.

Friday 15 January 2016

Consent form for filming

Above is my own Consent Form for my coursework, I made it look as professional as possible but added something extra on because I am getting marked by an examiner, I wanted to see whether the people who are taking part are alright with this and to make sure that I have their permission before filming them.

Risk Assessment

Monday 11 January 2016

Final Storyboard

Above is my final storyboard for my filming, this time I made sure that I met all the feedback from my last storyboard. I did this by making sure that I added what camera shot angles I will need to use and what is happening in each scene including speech, so I know exactly what to do with each characters in each scene and can be organised when I start filming as well and making sure that everyone is in the right place.

Title for film

Above is the title that I am going to have for Masked Man, I thought the font would be a good idea because it stands out a lot. Also the grey background links to something really bad happening in my film and it also makes the writing  lot more easy to see because before I was going to use a purple background but it didn't look right.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Soundtracks / sound effects

Below is some ideas of soundtracks that I might be using for my film, these soundtracks and sound effects have been picked appropriately and precisely for each scene. To make sure that it fits in with what is happening and gives the audience a better understanding of what is going on. I have taken these sounds from YouTube and then transferred them to an mp3.

Friday 8 January 2016

Evidence of organisation for filming

Above is all the text messages that I have sent to my friends to see if they are available on the 17th January, so I know for sure that they are going to participate or if they can't do this day then I can change it to suit them. Fortunately from texting all my friends I have found out that they are all mostly available on that day, I will also be acting in a little bit as well. Also this shows how organised I am towards making sure I have all my actors/actresses for the film and I know for future reference that everything will be okay for when I start filming for real and it will hopefully look fine on the day.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Consent form example

Above is an example of a consent form for an actor to have, so the director can get the permission from their parents etc. to star in my film an be on YouTube. It is important to have this so you can make sure that all the actors will be present on the filming day as well.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Plan for the 5 weeks

  • 6th January - 16th January - planning and research needs to be done
  • 17th January - first part of filming for video
  • 27th January - first part of editing, if need to re-film any bits that aren't good enough then do that a couple of days after
When done all this and changed anything that may need changing, I can then start writing out my evaluation explaining how I find out all the information and why it helped me to do my film. Also I need to write out strengths and weaknesses of my work to show what I did well towards making my film and what went really bad.

Production Company image for film

Above is the name of the production company that I have decided to have for my film, I decided to have stars going around it to link to the text I have used, it also links to the word "sparkle" which links to stars sparkling at night and it stands out a lot more from any other production companies.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Feedback on script

Below I have edited scene 5 to "AN UNKNOWN DEATH" the reason why I did this is because my teacher gave me feedback on my script and she thought that the person who is dead is one of Beverly's friends. However it isn't, it is someone who she has never met before. Also I edited some other words on my script to make it sound more exciting and professional.

Script for Masked Man

Below is my script for my final film, Masked Man. I decided to do something like this because I have discovered that many people enjoy crime like dramas, so I thought it would be best if I did my own take on this drama.

Monday 4 January 2016

Tips to help me do a good film

Above I have took a screenshot of this website, the reason why I have done this is because it gives me useful tips on how to use different shots that won't make the film boring and will also make it stand out a lot more with the different shots that get used to make a great video.

Above is another bit of information that will help me to make sure that when I am filming someone that I make sure that I am close enough so I can pick up the sound a lot better, following on from the other screenshot it is a lot better to use more different camera shots than just one. All of this information is what I am going to keep in mind to make my film really good, not boring.

Equipment List

Above is the Nikon DSLR camera that I will be using to film everything

I will be using this tripod for when there is just still filming of where the place is, for example in one bit of my film at the beginning I will be recording the atmosphere and to use an enigma code towards where everything is set and to add tension towards something bad going to happen.

I will be using this microphone to make sure that I pick out every bit of important sound that I need to make sure that it sets the atmosphere and so you can hear people a lot better when they are speaking.

I will be using the OPTEKA X-GRIP professional camera for when I film steady long , short pan shots or action sequences.