Wednesday 11 November 2015

Results for questionaire

1. Do you think a silent movie is a good idea to do or my final video for an opening scene to build tension?

Below is my results:
From my results I have found out that, 5 people preferred the idea that for my film I am wanting to do a silent movie for an opening scene to build tension. But 3 people said that they didn't want me to do this, from these result I will make sure I use this idea from my peers.

2. Do you think a crime scene is a good idea?

Below is my results:
From my results this shows that 7 people thought a crime scene was definitely a good and only 1 said no, so from my peers I think this type of genre in my opening scene is a good idea.

3. Do you like cliffhangers?

Below is my results:

From my results I have found out that 6 people love having cliff-hangers at the end of a film. Only 2 people didn't like this idea, this shows that many people like to guess what might happens next without spoiling it too much at the beginning.

4. What is the most important thing that needs to be included in a video?

Below is my results:
From my results I have found out that, image quality is the most important thing that needs to be included in a video, Also sound quality had the same amount of results, which shows that some people had different views on the answer for this question.

5. What genre would you like my film to be?

Below is my results: 
From my results crime is the most popular genre to watch, maybe suggesting that people have been influenced to watch this - most of the shows that gave been created are usually to do with crime and this shows that many companies like to use this idea and it is very popular around the world. So I think that there is no point doing something completely unique when people don't actually like that genre and I think it is best to stick with what people know and enjoy.

6. What matters the most in a video to you?

Below is my results:
From these results my peers said that the plot is the most important part to a video, without a plot the video would be very boring and many people would probably not want to watch it.

All of this information that I have found out will be used to make sure I meet the needs of my peers and audiences, towards what they expect a film/video to be like and what they find most interesting in a film as well.

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